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Fencing in Schools and Taster Sessions

I have coached fencing in a wide variety of schools throughout Yorkshire and Derbyshire for 30 years and also run sessions for leisure centres, Council run activities, scout and guide groups etc.  These have included junior, secondary and independent schools, as part of a PE programme, after school clubs and even for teachers and parents.  I am fully qualified, insured and DBS registered and also on the British Fencing coach register.  If the school or group leader requires any other documentation, e.g. identity, risk assessments etc. this can be provided.

Fencing sessions can take the form of taster sessions, short courses or ongoing school activities.  I am able to provide all equipment required.  Pupils should wear tracksuit bottoms and trainers and sessions will be for a maximum of 20.  As an activity in schools, fencing can provide many benefits, fencing is a sport which requires and develops control, self-discipline, a capacity to work co-operatively with others and develops new skills and knowledge.  It is also energetic, enjoyable and very safe.  Sessions cost £60 per hour and might typically be for one hour.

If you are a teacher or are involved in organising youth activities and are interested in organising fencing sessions for your school or group, or there is anything you wish to discuss or have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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